Monday, February 22, 2016

Dating with HSV

Many people who find out they’re HSV+ feel like their dating and/or sex life is over. This initial reaction is common, yet exceedingly inaccurate.

It’s not a grounded belief. It’s pure emotion speaking, generated from the experience of shock—nothing more. Feelings have a way of making people crazy at times, as we all know. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re correct, as we all know as well.

Once education on HSV is provided, it becomes much easier to calm down and accept the reality of the situation. 

The reality of the situation is simply this: you have a virus. The virus is mostly harmless. It’s certainly not life threatening. And most of the time, it produces no symptoms.

On top of that, the majority of society also has the exact same virus.

There are more HSV+ people than there are HSV-. So… why is someone’s love life over again? It’s not. Case closed.

Herpes Talk Story
Here, we’re going to post real testimonials by real people who have successfully dated (and tied the knot), or who are successfully dating with HSV.

Obviously, since most of the population has it, people are generally doing just fine. However, these stories will be dedicated to people who are HSV+, aware of their status, and have taken the time to write something about their situation on an online message board or  herpes dating Website.


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